Last year (2013-2014) for my AS Photography I studied the genre Film Noir, for this I took a series of photographs, this is a few of them here. With these I tried to represent the genre using two characters from the genre, one being 'Femme Fatale.' For this I tried to use strong lighting on the aspects of the photographs that I wanted the eye to be drawn to. I think that I did achieve this, however I think that for my film this year I am going to use more dramatic lighting, but also have minimal lighting. For my film I have an idea of what I want to do, this idea does not involve many people, and the faces will not be seen and so the focus of what I want is going to be hands and other objects that they are holding, therefore I need to take into consideration how I am going to do this, and take inspiration from these photographs from last years photograhy project. I will improve my use of lighting so that it has a better effect on the film overall. I think I would also like to use film cameras in this and possibly use a photo taken on a film camera for the promotional poster that will be advertising the film, so for this I need to think carefully about the amount of lighting I am going to be using, this however does need to be similar to the film. I would also like it to be darker, unlike these photographs, this is because I think that this will give a better effect on the viewer and look more like a Film Noir opening titles. The lighting here is very bright and does not highlight and important aspects, apart from where I have edited it, this needs to be thought about when I am going to be filming and editing my video for the opening titles. I think that I need to do more research into the type of lighting in the Film Noir genre so that I can have the best possible video I can make. I think that the lighting is best for the third photograph, so I will try to stick to this one the most, as I like the shadows in this photo, I think this because this adds a sense of drama to the scenario, this is what I want in my opening titles.