Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Photographs; trying out effects, and importance of lighting and composition.

This is one photograph that i took in the style of Film Noir, I think that this does represent the genre well with the use of composition, lighting and the editing that I have done to it. Which is shown above in 'gif' format. The task that was set was to take an ordinary fairy tale story and add a Film Noir twist on it. The story here is that the models are in a casino, with the use of mise en scene I think that this is recognisable. For this particular image I tried to focus on lighting, this is because with the research that I carried out, I saw a pattern with this. This is a very important part of recognising if a photograph/film is set in the era of Film Noir. One thing that I need to consider with lighting is if the brightness is going to be intense then this could ruin some detail in the frame. For example, the cards that one of the models is holding are not clear, this could become a problem as this could become un-recognisable, therefore possibly ruining the quality/effect of the image. This is also something that needs to be considered while editing, this is because while I was editing I used the brightness tool to enhance the dramatic lighting. However, I did not pay attention to the effect that it was having on the cards, this is something that I need to focus on more when it comes to filming and editing the opening titles to a Film Noir movie. In this image I think that it is obvious who is the protagonist in this setting, this is by the way the models are portrayed in this image. For example; the model on the right is clearly the main character here, this is because of the way she is standing, and the light is focused on her, this was done to directly imply to the viewer that she is the important character here. The light is bright and her full face is shown here and she is appearing to be stood in a very direct and strong way, whereas the girl on the right is covering her face with the cards, and the light is not as focused on her, in contrast to the other person. This was done to show that possibly that character is not as important to the story as the other one. This could also suggest that her character is inferior in relation to the other character. The importance of each character is shown well I think, with the use of lighting, composition, editing and mise en scene. One other thing that is important here is the angle of the camera and how this photograph was taken. This is a landscape photo, it is this way as this is supposed to be (in a way) a still from a typical Film Noir movie. If the photo was taken in portrait mode then this would be a terrible photograph because it would defeat the point of the task. This was taken in line with the faces, it was a direct shot and had no upwards/downwards angles. However this was using a zoom so that the faces were more in frame, as the camera was far back and I did not want the background to be shown in this as I think that this would have ruined the quality of the image. I also used a relatively low exposure so that any thing that the light was not focused on was not bright or seen well, as I knew that this would have made it easier to edit and would have overall improved the photo. I should take this into consideration when making my opening titles as this is something that I feel is important. 


  1. This is beautifully writtrn Lauren. The English is really spoken clearly and i really love how you have spoken about the pros and cons of this picture, i also love this era and style of film/photography! Good work :)

  2. please make the writing bigger - the content is great but old eyes like mine struggle with a tiny font

  3. Fantastic description and amazing photograph .... I'm impressed!

  4. maybe add an example from a film to compare yours to theirs
